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 Price list

At Body Anew Acupuncture, our acupuncturist offers several therapies. The prices are listed below.

Acupuncture needles and chinese coins
Traditional Chinese Medicine Services

Acupuncture New Patient .......................  $120
Acupuncture Returning Patient ..............  $80
Tui Na/Acupressure Massage .................  $25*

Cupping/Gua Sha .....................................  $25*
Herbal Consult ..........................................  FREE**
Private Lessons (Tai Chi/Chi Kung)..........  $60


* The amount is $25 per 15 minutes of treatment. Most Acupressure massage for local areas can be done in 15 minutes, however, if you have more than one site that needs work that will require more time.


** The herbal consult is free, but the patient will be expected to pay for the herbs.




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